FARUK: In which way you mean they are like me? In any case, it is god to know that there is no Islamic unity concerning traditions, culture and behavior. nevertheless all people on the earth whether are Muslims or

not Muslims have the same feeling towards the things which are needed.

The greatest problem in the Islamic world is the education and the interpretation of Quran. That is why one can not copmare the Muslims in Turkey or in America, Lebanon and Syria with the Muslims in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

noonius: Dear Faruk, I was comparing events in NY with the WTC with stories written in David C.Korten's book "When Corporations Rule The World" and question rose.

Can be there, behind all this destruction, the anger of people, who's been chased away from their homes and been pressured to leave their households to free the land fro big corporations and big money. As you know better this situation of the islam world and developing countries, please answer if possible.

FARUK: The above mentioned reasons can also be reasons for distractions but there are also other reasons and we have to distinguish between the actor and the writer of the dram the actors are often brain washed or

are paid to carry out an action, and the dramator can be only one and his motivation could be any thing from economically to personal reason cultural religious etc.

I didnt know non-religious arabs exist! Well if there is one non-religious arab in the world, then there is hope, that one day all arabs will be non-religious.

FARUK: There are people from all religious who are unbelievers in some religion is allowed to express their opinion and some other religion one should not be unbeliever,that does not mean that there are people who are unbelievers.

Penno: Sir, I have been given to understand that two things feul bin Laden's and the muslim world's anger. The first is the current situation of the palestinian people and America's apparent favouritism toward Israel and

what muslims see as israeli intransigence toward the palestinians. The second is that many muslims view islam as (morally?) superior to christianity and judaism, even while recognising that they worship the same God, but are frustrated and even shamed by the economic and military success of western (and christian-influenced) culture.

I would also like to know your thoughts as to why the ideology of "fundamentalist, violent and militarist buddism" does not exist.

FARUK: As I mentioned above what I mentioned above that depend on the interpretation of the religion one can find in every religion all kind of people being kind and human and being violent. Islam is not exception in my opinion Islam is meant to be human and not every Muslim who claim to be Muslim is a Muslim.

hans h luik: Sir, how probable do You consider for countries like Maroc and kingdom of Saud to turn their faces to fundamentalism on government level as a result of U.S. military campaign? Yours, Hans H. Luik

FARUK: I do not belieave that the government suport the terorist acts but they may suport religios movments and it is difficult to know and who is who and to put a line between these two fractions

AmOn (amon@kurat.com): Dear Mr. Faruk, I would like to ask your opinion on credibility of some recent reports suggesting that 2 of the so called "suitcase nukes" may already have reached the shores of US. How real is this threat or is Osama bin Laden just trying to "mean business" more than he's really capable of?

FARUK: As we know Osama bin Ladin is brought by the USA to fight against Russian and after the finishing the war Osama bin Ladin was left alone without any attention from the American this reason could be among other

reasons for the hats of the American and of course one can never exclude business from any war.

Also, if you have time to have a quick look at the following article in electronic Telegraph:

Just how likely do you think is that it's "yes, I did it" style confession from bin Laden or is it merely another example of sensationalism in your opinion?

Thank you.


Endi: dear Faruk, what do you think about current lebanese regime? would the things go better if the syrians go, and leave the lebanon to it's own devices? do you see any chance for lebanon to become relatively peacefull

place,say,like jordan, and providing the lebanese palestinians with some kind of citizenship, since the comprehensive solution of the ME problem is nowhere near? What do you think about hizballa? we know,they took the glory of liberating south from occupation,but was the final outcome that magnificent; - israel got out without cleaning the mess - minefields,old hardware , ordnance and ammunition,let alone any compensation for destruction it caused.they took the SLA with them,but saved arownd $ 500 mln annually for its maintenance; - providing these people within israel, requires only fraction of that.And another thing:israel has for now quite convenient pretext NOT to comply with 242/338 since,when it completely fulfilled the UN res.425 ,lebanon went on fighting - one is not obliged to see the hizballa & Iran/Syria behind it, so the same is logically expected from palestinans.

FARUK: Your question contains many question and I liked it and seems that you are a ware of the situation in Lebanese. I would like to apologies for answering of this difficult and sensitive matter and I believe that you are capable to know the answer.

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